Our firm is built with the needs of growing families in mind. We understand you are BUSY. Your family is growing. You are planning for a life of prosperity and you value ease, convenience, and efficiency. You are raising children, and caring for elderly parents, while also working hard to build your own nest egg for a lifetime of support. You want to know you’ve made the best decisions for your family and that your plan will work when your loved ones need it most. You want to make sure your minor children would be raised by the people you choose, and never by anyone you wouldn’t want. You want to ensure that your teens and adult children are properly prepared to care for you and what you leave behind.
You want to feel confident that you’ve made the right choices, and handled everything so that you aren’t leaving behind a mess, when something happens.
That is our focus as well. We’ve developed unique systems to give you the same access to a Personal Family Lawyer® as was previously only available to the super-wealthy. Our firm provides the guidance you need to build and maintain a life of prosperity and wealth while keeping your family out of court and out of conflict. Going to court and increased family conflict is the greatest risk to the people you love, and all you have created, even if you’ve already worked with a traditional lawyer or created documents online.
We encourage communication with our clients. In fact, we’ve thrown out the time clocks so you never have to be afraid to call with a quick question. Everything we do is billed on a flat-fee basis, agreed to in advance, so there are never any surprises.
We are here to serve you. When you call our office to ask your quick question, you’ll get your question answered without receiving a bill in the mail afterward. If you need to schedule a more in-depth legal or strategic call with your Personal Family Lawyer®, a call will be scheduled when you're both available so we can make the very best use of your time and not waste your time by leaving voicemail after voicemail back and forth.
We ensure the most important details of your planning are followed through on and your plan continues to work throughout your lifetime.
We have a “funding coordinator” to ensure your assets are owned the right way throughout your lifetime. We don't want any of your assets going through a long, expensive court process or being lost to the state because they were missed after your death.
We’ve created unique membership programs to keep your plan up to date year in and year out. We give our members access to our Trusted Team of Legal Experts for guidance on ANY legal or financial matter.
If you have a legal issue we can't help with, we will help find someone that can.
One day you will need a lawyer. I don’t know why, and I don’t know when, but when you do, you will be grateful you can call on us and we’ll be here to advise you or get you out of a jam.
We believe your financial wealth is only a small part of your overall “Family Wealth Legacy” which is made up of your far more valuable – and most often lost upon incapacity or death – intellectual, spiritual and human assets. These assets are what make you who you are, and sum up what’s most important to you. A survey of inheritors has revealed that what they care about even more than inheriting your money, is inheriting these intangible assets.
Most estate plans only focus on the transfer of your financial wealth to the next generation. Most people have such great intentions of passing on the intangible, but very few ever get around to it. It’s just not a priority, until it’s too late. How much do you know about your grandparents’ values? Their most prized personal possessions? How they felt about you? What they had learned during their lifetime?
If you are like most people, you know very little. That’s why we built a system to capture and preserve these most valuable assets into every estate plan we create. Not only will we help you pass on your money, but also your values, your insights, your stories and your experience – the truly valuable assets your loved one’s care about the most.
We’ve developed a tool that allows us to capture and pass on your whole family wealth, including your Intellectual, Spiritual and Human assets. I can’t go into all of the details here, but we’ll definitely talk about it when you come in for your Family Wealth Planning Session. Book Your Planning Session here now.
We look forward to seeing you and caring for your family soon!
If you think this all sounds expensive, well, you are right and you’re wrong. Planning is substantially less costly, and less time consuming, than it would be for your family if you became incapacitated or die with a plan that doesn’t work or if you don’t have a plan in place at all. I’ve never had a single family who believed in this kind of planning and wanted to put it in place for their loved ones leave my office because they couldn’t afford it. Check out this article on the average cost of probate.